R | |
randomize_weights, neural_net | |
read_train_from_file, training_data | |
reset_errno, neural_net | |
reset_errstr, neural_net | |
reset_MSE, neural_net | |
run, neural_net |
Give each connection a random weight between min_weight and max_weight
void randomize_weights( fann_type min_weight, fann_type max_weight )
Reads a file that stores training data.
bool read_train_from_file( const std:: string & filename )
Resets the last error number.
void reset_errno()
Resets the last error string.
void reset_errstr()
Resets the mean square error from the network.
void reset_MSE()
Will run input through the neural network, returning an array of outputs, the number of which being equal to the number of neurons in the output layer.
fann_type *run( fann_type * input )